eGrow Group
Online mental health support group based on the traditional Grow Program
eGrow groups run the same as the Grow Program. The only difference is it’s an online mental health support group! We use Zoom to connect with your eGrow group which is based on the traditional Grow Program.
You can join a group and participate in the Grow Program from the comfort of your own your house.
If you’re unable to attend a physical Grow group you can access meetings online across Australia at a time that is suitable to you by using eGrow for your mental health support.
Over the course of each meeting, the group engages in a series of group discussions that follow the same structure and format as a face-to-face meeting; the only difference is it’s online!
Any member from any location can now receive mental health support and connect with others at a time most convenient to you.
Want to know more?
For more information or to see the times of our eGrow groups, please register your interest by using the sign up for eGrow button below.
Download the eGrow flyer.