
The Grow Community has a wealth of inspiring stories of recovery. Our community podcasts record these experiences to help others gain perspective and hope.

It carries the core message:
‘You alone can do it, but you can’t do it alone’. (Blue Book, Pg 82) 

Welcome to the fourth episode of the Grow Community Podcast! In this episode we speak with Jo Young. Listen as she takes us through her journey to wellness. Hope you enjoy! 


Welcome to the third episode of the Grow Community Podcast! In this episode we speak with East Region Team Leader Teena Mitchell about her journey to wellness. Hope you enjoy! 

Welcome to the second episode of the Grow Community Podcast! In this episode we speak with long time member and leader Angela Dalu. Listen as Angela tells her story of recovery and shares some of the wisdom she learnt along the way. Hope you enjoy! 


Welcome to the first episode of the Grow Community Podcast! To begin the series, we speak with long time member and East Region Manager Dave McLoughlin. We are very grateful to talk with Dave about his mental health journey and involvement with Grow. Hope you enjoy!