The Artists: A Glimpse Inside
Check out the great artists who contributed to Art for the Heart 2020.
The Artist: Sue B
I remember from an early age about 7, my Grandmother teaching me to knit. Always interested in learning more, I developed a love for cross stitch, tapestry’s, embroidery, and dress making. 11 years ago I fell in love with quilting and experimented with photos on fabric allowing my quilts to be unique and personal. My art is often given as a gift, so in essence, I am creating each piece with the person in mind, and I see every stitch, weather it is by hand or by machine is stitched with love. My grandkids have inspired me from their birth quilts, to quilts to suit their personalities (eg starwars!) to clothing, to being a surgeon fixing their ‘cuddle bunny’ and anything else that needs to be repaired - Mama can fix it!
- Sue B
The Artist: Katherine B
From a very young age, I have always been known to draw. Others have commented on, how I pay attention to detail. I have always drawn, although I have had no formal training at art. I am self taught. I would consider myself a hobby artist, as I don’t sell my art. I mainly draw because something inspires me from mother nature, such as flora or fauna (Australian Wildlife), or other furry creatures. I draw because I enjoy drawing and find it rewarding. I continue to practice art and try to fine tune areas where I feel I still need to concentrate on (such as drawing animal fur and realism - trying to make the animal look realistic as possible). After many years of not drawing, I have finally picked up the pencils again and I am drawing again. Art for me, can be very rewarding, and a lot of my friends and family enjoy looking over my work. Art isn't learnt overnight. It takes a long time to perfect it. I wouldn't consider myself perfect. It takes patience and perseverance.
- Katherine G
The Artist: Kiralie C
I’m a single mum, with 4 children. I enjoy being creative and doing all sorts of art and craft activities. At the moment, I’m focusing on photography. I purchased a DSLR camera about 8 years ago, and never really knew how to use it to its full potential, and was shooting mainly in Auto mode. I’m currently doing a photography course, to help me to understand my camera, and better my photography skills.
- Kiralie C
The Artist: Julie-Anne T
The Artist: Samantha
I am a caring and compassionate person who likes to support other people. I can be humorous at times and know when I need to take life more seriously. I am generally not an art and craft person, but I have dabbled in knitting, mindfulness exercises, playing the guitar, singing in a choir, and gardening. During the COVID-19 restrictions I have created various PowerPoint slides and videos for family celebrations and for beginner meditation classes.
- Samantha
The Artist: Walter L
Walter has studied film and television at both University and TAFE where he specialised in Camera. He was awarded the State Medal by TAFE NSW. Unfortunately, he’s not been able to get sustained work in this creative industry, in part due to long-term depression and anxiety. He would like to get involved more in video art, and art that involves light and invokes wonder. He likes to explore genuine, deep and meaningful themes in his works. He particularly likes the art work of Olafur Elliasson.
- Walter L
The Artist: David G
I started seriously pursuing art in 2014. I draw whenever I have time and energy, more or less. The most interesting thing about art to me is the way it tends to illustrate the state of mind of the artist, and how conversely it’s possible to change your state of mind by deliberately using different methods. Overall, I struggle impatiently to make one whole integrated thing. I mostly draw landscapes, figures, and plants, in grayscale, with a fairly naturalistic style. I’m also interested in theory of learning – psychology, neuroscience and in teaching art principles.
- David G
The Artist: Tania
Due to my Dad's love of art and outback Australia I grew up surrounded by drying canvassess of arcrylic paint and colourful images. Luckily the country school I attended encouraged students to be creative. I have been painting and ddrwing most of my life, being mainly self taught. Bright colour and abstracts attract my attention and I have also painted large canvasses of outback landscapes from photos I took on my travels. I try to change my style and technique with every new work. Have found painting meditative and an enjoyable process. Family and friends aslo have works of mine and display them in their homes Tania has also exhibited at Noosa Regional Art Gallery, the Kingston Arts Centerm, the Frankston Arts Centre and numerous community exhibitions.
- Tania
The Artist: Hornsby Group
Hornsby Grow Group's video entitled 'the rough road to true colours' was produced for the exhibition by the group who are described as amazing people. "Many of us made the houses, took the photos and made group snacks!" The Hornsby Grow Group is an eclectic and fabulous mix of experience and personalities. The brains and talent behind our entry is our project leader Anita, artist extraordinaire and retired High School Art Teacher. All of us are at different stages in our journey with our challenges with mental health. Our group was formed in March 2019, brainchild of two experienced growers from the Chatswood Group, Frank and Allan. We were meeting in a lovely community charity venue, and now online. For this art project we have been instructed by Anita and we have all stretched our artistic muscles and limbs (not a small feat for some of the scientists, engineers and accountants amongst us). However, fortunately we do have other artistic souls in our group – a wonderful florist and dance therapy instructor. Anita taught us the basics of the project on zoom, then we all came together to make one cohesive artwork.
- Hornsby Group
The Artist: Herta B
I have always loved being creative, but I don’t stay with one thing too long. Gardening, sewing, leatherwork, candlemaking, and writing have all been my interests where you can play with my creativity. I must say, this forced learning of how to use technology has been very difficult for me though.
- Herta B
The Artist: April W
I am a proud recipient of the Grow, Con Keogh Award in 2019.
- April W
The Artist: Annette W

I'm a long time grower from Melton Grow Group. I create mosaic bird baths and it's all about peace, tranquility and food for the soul. Hope you enjoy.
Annette W
The Artist: Joyce H
As a youngster I grew up amongst a hoard of relatives, and Sundays was always spent having lunch at Grandma’s after church, then going for a Sunday-drive usually to visit other relatives around the district. Yarns around the wood fires in winter, and cakes and cuppas was common-place for afternoon tea. That’s surely where my story telling inclination was ingrained. However, my own story telling scope seemed limited the jolliness of telling jokes or similar yarns that brought laugher. When the change came I am not sure, but somehow I began to spread my wings in capturing story through sketching/ illustrations and the written word. I love the written word, and I have come to enjoy merely creating PLAY time to experiment with artistic creations, e.g. play with colours, textures, shapes, and much more. The options are limitless unlike we as humans - my fathers and mother’s generation have died out and so has that yarning by the fireplace. That art of oral story telling got lost, but I continue to create story telling through whatever means I choose (maybe in memory of old time sake as a youngster listening to those yarns of days gone by). Mucking with photography, water colouring, other paints, while experimenting creatively in my garden and home with story-telling is my present scope of expression.
- Joyce H