This week is National Volunteer Week, a time to thank more than 300 amazing Growers who go above and beyond to ensure those in need of our Grow Program feel supported in their recovery journey.
Our GROW volunteers play such a significant role in both the governance and operational aspects of our organisation.
From protecting the authenticity of the Grow Program, taking on leadership roles to assist guide our Grow Groups and the sharing of stories of recovery, friendship and community.
Every day our Growers volunteer their time to work on themselves, learning to adopt the cheerful and hopeful language of GROW as they continue the path to recovery and personal growth.
Every day our Growers volunteer their time to help others grow fully into their true potential.
This week, GROW will join our friends at Volunteering Australia to acknowledge our volunteers through a wonderful campaign – wave your appreciation for volunteers, we know that it’s every day our volunteer Growers are sharing our hopeful and healing message, inspiring others to a life of wholeness, health and maturity.